Electrophysiology and imaging

We have capabilities to perform a number of electrophysiological techniques including patch clamp electrophysiology, intracellular/extracellular recordings and field potential recordings. Light excitation of retinal tissue is done through custom-made LED light sources with capabilities for precise spectral control of the light stimulus.

Advanced image analysis

We have high-powered imaging workstations for the segmentation and analysis of high resolution SB-3DEM and super-resolution confocal data. We use a variety of open-source and custom software for our image analysis needs.

Precise sectioning of biological tissue

We have facilities and several advanced instruments for the preparation and sectioning of biological tissue in the lab. We can obtain frozen sections of OCT-embedded tissue (cryostat), vibrotome sections of agarose-embedded tissue (live and fixed tissue vibratomes), and ultra-thin sections of plastic-embedded tissue (ultra-microtome).

Core facilities in the Department of Biology and the College of Science & Engineering

Advanced imaging (super-resolution confocal microscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy), as well as molecular biology facilities for next generation sequencing and genomics/transciptomics instrumentation, are available in the core facilities at the College of Science and Engineering at SFSU